Yoga Therapy Announcement
Before practicing as a Mental Health Therapist, my first passion was in Exercise Science. As a young professional I loved helping folks learn how to safely prepare and train their bodies for whatever the person was trying to attain. I taught various exercise classes, lead people in training for half and full marathons, created personalized well-being programs, and offered private personal training sessions. I know the body well. The longer I did this, the more apparent it became that I needed to understand how to work with the mind in order to help folks effectively meet the goals they had for their body. Mental wellbeing has always been a passion of mine and so I felt called to pursue education to become a licensed mental health professional. After almost a decade of helping folks understand how to work with their mind, I am bringing the mind and the body together, as it should be, through the use of therapeutic yoga.
The mind and the body are inseparable. The mind lives in and uses the body to carry out what it feels is best for you. The body is impacted by stress and trauma as much as the mind is and acts as the storage container for all of the things we do not want to have to see, feel, or experience again. We are all holding patterns of tension in our body based on our stress response that we do not even realize because it has become our norm. Your breath is a deep well of potential energy that you can draw on at any time, yet most of us are breathing in ways that actually deplete our energy. I could go on and on about how intertwined the mind and body are.
If you are on a journey of understanding yourself better, I implore you to study your body and all that it holds for you. The healing you seek can only get so far when you stay in the mind. There are innumerable benefits to be had by learning how to release tension and stored emotional trauma. It is possible to live with more ease and less suffering. More energy and less pain. Yoga therapy is a path to get you where you want to be.
I am so excited to be able to announce that I will be offering private and small group yoga therapy sessions and workshop series starting this Fall! Bringing the body in to the therapy room feels so full circle for me. It is where I started and now it feels as though I am coming home in the sweetest and most fulfilling way.
Great things are in store.
Stay tuned, my friends!